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This repository has been deprecated, please visit the PocketSwift repository for the latest on Pocket iOS client development.


The Pocket iOS SDK contains a generic interface that allows anyone to build a plugin that is specific to any blockchain. The SDK boils down to two main interactions, sendTransaction for writes and executeQuery for reads to a given blockchain. Each plugin will have its own metadata specific to it's own blockchain. All queries and transactions conform to what a Pocket Node is expecting.


pod 'Pocket', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

Primary Models

Constructing reads and writes from blockchains have been modeled out as Query and Transaction. Successful responses to reads and writes are QueryResponse and TransactionResponse. The Wallet is the main account system for clients that do all the authentication by signing messages and transactions with their private keys.

What is an iOS Plugin?

The Pocket iOS Plugin System allows any iOS app to support any decentralized network that a developer wishes to build upon. It is intended to abstract the complexity of blockchain development to enable developers to build out their applications quickly and easily.

Each plugin can be created independently and supported individually as a Cocoapods package, and each developer can pick and choose whichever plugins they wanna use to support on their network.

For example, if you wanted to add Ethereum support for your app, you can use our Pocket iOS Ethereum Plugin.


The PocketPlugin is a protocol that every Plugin needs to conform to. Please look over the Pocket Ethereum Plugin as an example for implementing on another blockchain.

Create a wallet

static func createWallet(subnetwork: String, data: [AnyHashable: Any]?) throws -> Wallet

Create a new wallet. Needs to take in data specific for the blockchain and a subnetwork to be able to differentiate testnet and mainnet wallets for a given network. Returns a Wallet object. The data field is a generic dictionary that is defined by each plugin for data needed in a specific blockchain.

Wallets can be considered the identity systems or authentication for building blockchain applications. Every blockchain uses a different hashing algorithm to create a wallet. For example, in Ethereum to create an account it must use the keccak256 algortithm.

Import a wallet

static func importWallet(privateKey: String, subnetwork: String, address: String?, data: [AnyHashable: Any]?) throws -> Wallet

Import any already existing wallet, using the subnetwork to be able to differentiate testnet and mainnet wallets for a given network. Need the private key, public key and any extra data. Returns a Wallet object. The data field is a generic dictionary that is defined by each plugin for data needed in a specific blockchain.

Create a transaction

static func createTransaction(wallet: Wallet, params: [AnyHashable: Any]) throws -> Transaction

Need a Wallet object to be able to sign the transaction with your private keys. Returns Transaction object. The params field is a generic dictionary that is defined by each plugin for parameters needed to create a transaction for a specific blockchain.

Creating a transaction is a write to a given blockchain. Depending on the blockchain, this can have different confirmation times, and your application's UI will need to reflect that limitation.

Creating a Query

static func createQuery(subnetwork: String, params: [AnyHashable: Any], decoder: [AnyHashable: Any]?) throws -> Query

Queries are reads from a blockchain. It creates a request that conforms to the Pocket Node API. Returns a Query object. The subnetwork param helps route the request to the given subnetwork (e.g. mainnet, testnet, etc.). The params field is a generic dictionary that is defined by each plugin for parameters needed to create a query for a specific blockchain. The decoder field is an optional, generic dictionary that specifies the return types for any query.